About Us

Gospel Body is designed to witness to the unsaved and saved for Jesus Christ, first we must believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, second, we must believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins and rose on the third days.

​ ​Gospel Body is a God given vision to a Brother who  one day the words came to him, “saying to him, you can reached out  to the world by  witnessing to all thru the means of the Electronic Media, so the brother prayed and prayed and make sure it was the voice of God talking to  him.  After taking his time seeking and praying to the LORD, the Brother launch the website name “GOSPEL  BODY ” and later added the  Internet radio to the site, now called GOSPEL BODY MINISTRIES.


  • Gospel Body is the property of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not for the Brother,

    God gives him the vision of the website thru him to HELP ANYONE who will called upon the Lord name or who will confess all their sin(s) openly and freely. With the Internet Radio added, we can minister around the world to those who are lost in sin(s), who never accepted the Lord as their Savior.

  • Gospel body Radio is a 24/7 broadcasting station, we also take live prayer request. Gospel Body TV is now a part of Gospel Body Ministries, Inc. We Stream live video, Gospel Body TV streamed live in 1080p HD.
  • Gospel Body Radio/TV’s Page to start managing it.